Saturday, May 10, 2014

DIY ejuice suplies ordered.

So I have been vaping for 19 day without a cigarette.  The stores all around in my area is selling ejuice for $7 a 10ml bottle that's 70 cents a ml. To me this is just crazy prices considering I am vaping about 2-2.5ml so my cost on ejuice alone a day is $1.40 to $1.75. So I have found out that I can produce my own juice at a fraction of this cost.

After researching a bunch of blogs and forums I made my order. I found out some companies have some DIY stuff cheaper than others. So I found one site that has the concentrate juice for flavoring and the VG and PG at great prices but their unflavored nicotine is costly. I also was told don't go off a companies word that the nicotine is at the level they claim it to be.

So I ordered from three web sites and some stuff I purchased in large quantities because they have a long shelf life like your PG and VG has a shelf life of about a year. So I purchased the fallowing a gallon of each PG and VG, 10 pure concentrate flavoring sample bottles, 120ml of 100mg unflavored nicotine, 10ml cylinder and a 100ml cylinder for mixing, syringes and blunt needles, and a nicotine test kit.

WARNING: Unflavored nicotine above 48mg is deadly and need to be handled with extreme care. Always keep kids and pets away. If your handling any amounts of nicotine use gloves and make sure you test your nicotine levels. All suggestions or post on this blog is informational knowledge and  the blogger does not assume any responsibilities to your actions.

So with that little legal note my nicotine test kit arrived Friday I am still waiting on two more shipments before I can start my post on my DIY mixing.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 9 my coil went bad, almost smoked

Today was a tough day last hour of work my coil in my kangertech protank 3 went bad. I didn't have a spare clearomizer with me or even a replacement coil.  I was searching all the stores i knew looking for a coil or clearomizer but non affordable could be found till I went to Sal's smoke shop in Hanford, CA. The bad thing is when I went to Sal's a young kid was working and this couple was shopping for vaporizer. The guy seemed like he didn't really want to try to start vaping that the girl was forcing his hand to try it. Both of them didn't have a clue of what to get or anything else. I attempted to give him advice and to his deer in the headlight looks he gave me I knew he wasn't to thrilled on buying a vaporizer. What he bought and really needed was two different things. The kid working wasn't much help to him because he didn't have a clue about vaping.  Since my personal advice seemed unwelcome from him I bought my clearomizer and headed home. I made day nine with out a cigarette.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 8 EVOD sucks!!!

Well today me EVOD started leaking again. Now I am convinced that clearomizer sucks big time and is a waste of money. Good thing I had my protank mini with me. I haven't had a cigarette in 8 days and am feeling good about that. I don't know if it's me or the protank just burns more vapor then my other Clearomizers but so far I vaped a lot today more than usuall and the day isn't totally over yet.

Morning of Day 8.

I got too busy yesterday to post so I am posting right before work. Yesterday was another day of being cigarette free. My EVOD clearomizer did have one problem yesterday it leaked a little. I don't know why but when you get to the bottom of a tank it likes to leak.
My strawberry e juice is starting to get harsh on my throat and I don't know why. It can be a couple of things either because the nicotine is too much for my throat to handle or the company I purchased the my juice from made it that way. I know I have about 10ml left and I don't want to throw it away.
Since I didn't buy any Vapor products or cigarettes yesterday my cost savings was at -$40 on day 6 and today its at -$36. I am almost breaking even compared to smoking.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 6 of vaping and cost savings.

Today is day six of vaping without smoking. I am still not craving cigarettes but more of a want out of habit. That is until I ran down to the local store and seen a person outside smoking. My first thought was man that looks good until I got closer and smelled the cigarette. Then I smelt the smoke and it turned my stomach my want for a cigarette disappeared fast. So I think my need and want for a cigarette is in the past now. That moment at the store of smelling the smoke made me realize why my non smoking wife tries to stay away from me after a cigarette. 
Now let's look at cost savings after six days of vaping. My starter kit cost $28, my juice (which I still have a lot of) cost $28, my new clearomizers cost $26 that brings the total so far of vaping to $72. Minus the savings of not smoking for six days which should total $32. After six days I am still negative $40. I know I will break even and be saving money probably after one more week like I said I still have a lot of juice left. My wife even loves not smelling the cigarettes anymore and I don't blame her. Health wise so far I only noticed I am starting to get my sense of smell back other than that I haven't seen any other health improvements. 

Kangertech protank 3 mini review.

This review is on the Krangertech min protank 3 pictured below.

I ordered two of these Krangertech mini protank 3 from eBay for $8.99 each. It's a bottom fill clearomizer. The only bad thing I found out with this clearomizer is the vapors seem to have a little too much air. The hits are more smoother compared to my other Clearomizers and I miss my nice throat hit from it. It's easy to hit from and if you have a variable battery you can get a great vapor from it. 
For local vapors in my area I found that Sal's smoke shop sales this clearomizer for $11.99.
On a scale of 1-5 I give this clearomizer a
Regular 3. Recommend this clearomizer to anyone who wants a more smooth hitting clearomizer with good vapor.

Krankertech EVOD review.

This review is for the Krangertech EVOD pictured below.

I purchesed this clearomizer from Fresno City Vapor. Their staff is funny, helpful and well knowleged. They sold me a Kangertech EVOD clearomizer for $10 which for a vapor store buy it was a reasonable price. You can take the cleromizer completely apart for easy cleaning or just to change the replaceable coil which Fresno City Vapor also sales for $1.99. This clearomizer is a bottom fill.
Now with that said the cons about this clearomizer. I have had only two problems from this clearomizer. First is the vapors build up in the drip tip (mouthpiece) and it pays to carry a q-tip with you to clean it before the build up spits juice into your mouth. The other problem I had was a manufacture defect I got halfway through the tank and it started gargling and spitting juice into my mouth and leaking fluid onto my battery. I kept my recipt and went back to Fresno city vapor first thing in the morning. When I walked in it was the same staff from the  night before an they remembered me so no recipt was necessary. They looked at the clearomizer and found out the coil was missing a seal. They gave me a new coil (no charge) and sent me on my way. I haven't had any leaks since. The condensation in the drip tip still builds but like a said nothing a q-tip can't fix.
The EVOD offers a great hit with a lot of vapor for it's size. On a scale of 1-5 it receives a strong 3 from me and I would recommend this clearomizer to anyone.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Plan to mix my own ejuice.

Had to go to Visalia tonight to run some errands so I decided to check out what vapor shops are there. The cheapest e juice I could find at te local stores was $6 for 15ml. I bought a bottle just to try it out. There flavor was good but I don't think there was any nicotine in the juice even though the bottle is labeled 18mg. With the prices of the juice I have been researching making my own. I figured it out I can make my own juice for about 20% of what they are charging in these stores. I have already talked to about 5 people about this idea and they told me if I do start mixing my own they want to sample and buy my juice. As soon as I can scrape up the $115 for all the ingredients I need I am going to start making my own. For now I just hope the juice I have last till I can afford it.

Day 5 new Clearomizers and still no smoking!

Yesterday I found out my VPRO Clearomizers went bad because they where putting out a burnt taste in my mouth. Since I'm new to this vaping I didn't know why my Clearomizer tasted so bad. So I done some research online and found out the coils in the Clearomizers either burn out and stop working or they get over heated and make your vapes taste awful. My new protanks weren't suppose to arrive till Monday so I was on a mission to find a new affordable one. As I posted yesterday I checked out the stores in Hanford without any luck so off to Fresno I went. I stopped at Fresno city Vapor shop there are some cool guys that work there and they showed me a Clearomizer made from Kranger called the EVOD they sold it to me for $10. You can also buy replaceable coils for $1.99 each. So I bought it. The taste and vapor from this new Clearomizer was nice and a lot better then what I was used to. I went off to work and found out when the tank was half full it started spitting liquid into my mouth and leaking on my battery. Since this new Clearomizer has a changeable coil I thought it was just loose. So I took it apart and refilled it making sure all the parts where tight. Got half way through the tank and again leakage, I was mad. I went back to the store this morning they where very helpful and looked at the Clearomizer. They found out that it has a missing seal so they replaced the coil for free and sent me in my way.

I made it home and to my suprise the mailman delived my new protank 3's today. So I was excited to fill one up and try it out it worked awesome. Now it's time to relax and enjoy day five with out smoking cigarettes. Here is what the new Clearomizers look like.

 Above is the Kranger EVOD.

Above is one of two Kranger Protank mini 3.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Hanford Vape stores??

Due to the fact I live in Hanford, CA the closest vapor shops are located in Fresno and Tulare.  I know some of the cigarette stores sale some juices and mod parts so I drove around my town searching for a new clearomizer.  Just as I thought most of the places do have juices and sell overpriced vapor products. One of the stores recommended that I should go by and check out Sal's Tobacco located on 11th and Fargo ave.  They did have more choices and was currently the best store for vaping located in Hanford,CA.  Though I didn't find what I was looking for at the price I was willing to spend I did talk with the owner and found out some interesting things.  Sal don't have his inventory over priced just enough to make a profit and keep the customer happy. While I was there I asked about his e-juice he showed me his lines of juices.  He has flavors set up for try before you buy which I thought was awesome you must bring your own battery though..  So I sampled some flavors all the sample flavors are nicotine free.  He told me he sees the want and need of a vapor store in Hanford so will be opening a new store soon and will have more vapor products.  I can't wait to see what all they will have to offer.

Morning of Day 4

I cleaned the clearomizors last night and left them out to dry.  This morning when I pieced my VPRO mod back together I got a gurgling sound from the clearomizer for a few min then it cleared up.  The taste of the clearomizor just got worse now it taste like a cheap bad cigarette.  If you ever smoked before you know those cigarette's you either buy because you where broke that day and couldn't afford the good ones or you had to bum one from a friend.  Yes those it taste nasty but you still smoke it because your body craves that nicotine.   I jumped online to check the status of where the new clearomizers are and it looks like I have to suffer with bad taste till Monday if I can hold out that long.  Who knows I might break down and go to the closes vape shop and see if they have any affordable clearomizers. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


If you know anything about truck drivers a day can be a long tiring day. Every trucker has their habits they do to help keep them awake. My habit started when I was just a teenager and has lasted a little over 21 years. I am a smoker and cigarettes have gotten me through some tough hard nights of driving. I have tried just about everything out on the market all with a failure rate of 100%. I have tried wellbutrin, nicotine gum, patches, cold turkey the most I ever made it was two weeks before i was sneaking cigarettes back into my life.

About a month ago a security guard at work asked me, "you ever see one of these?" As he pulled out a long pen with a tank on top. He pressed a button and took a drag off of it then blew out a huge cloud of vapor. I told him I have seen one of those and heard about them their called Vapor Mods. He continued to tell me he has smoked over 30 years and the last month he been using it to help quite smoking with only cheating twice by smoking. I told him I have tried e-cigs before but they didn't do nothing for me. His suggestion took hold in my brain and begin to slowly process.
Over the next month I would researched all about vapor mods I even got my wife involved on the research. After trying to learn all I can about this new industry that is rising fast i decided to give it a try.

I took someones advice on a vapor forum and ordered me a VPRO Ego Twist starter kit for $29 off of eBay. Then I placed a order from a place called Vista Vapors for some ejuice cost was $23. I was in the hole already for $52 and I was just going off of a friend suggestion not even knowing if it worked or not. I was at work when my wife told me the mail delivered my packages Monday afternoon. I asked her to open them up and make sure it all was there then get the batteries charging.

When I got home I had to wait two more hours till the battery was charged. I pored in the juice and started vaping. The nicotine I ordered was just the right amount and looked like my research was paying off. The juice flavor though I couldn't taste the strawberry flavor juice like i imagined. Come to find out that's because i didn't order a boost of flavor according to my guard friend.

That was Monday since then I haven't had a cigarette since. I can't say its took my cravings away or the vapor mod taste just like a cigarette by all means it don't. I don't think you can ever replica the taste of a cigarette. Vaping is like smoking but the taste isn't their. You still get the throat burn like smoking but the taste is gone. The craving of nicotine is gone also only because of the fact I am now vaping it into my system instead of smoking it in.

This is day three of my road and I can say so far the need for smoking isn't their but i do find my self still wanting doing things like smoking out of habit. Let me explain this last nigh I got up used the restroom and started walking for the garage door. I got half way their before I realized my body was headed for outside to smoke but the need for one wasn't there.

I also learned that starter kit I ordered VPRO Ego Twist is only good for the batteries (which only stay charged for half of what the manufacture claims they should) so far. The clearomizers in the kit started working great but today they started leaking and the taste of the juice tasted bad. I recommend you not buy the starter kit like I did unless you need cheap batteries. I have since ordered two new clearomizers that should be here Saturday. The new clearomizers are called the Krangertech protank mini 3. When they get here and I use them I will post my thoughts about them also. Till then I am cleaning my current clearimizors and trying to make them last till then.