Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Morning of Day 8.

I got too busy yesterday to post so I am posting right before work. Yesterday was another day of being cigarette free. My EVOD clearomizer did have one problem yesterday it leaked a little. I don't know why but when you get to the bottom of a tank it likes to leak.
My strawberry e juice is starting to get harsh on my throat and I don't know why. It can be a couple of things either because the nicotine is too much for my throat to handle or the company I purchased the my juice from made it that way. I know I have about 10ml left and I don't want to throw it away.
Since I didn't buy any Vapor products or cigarettes yesterday my cost savings was at -$40 on day 6 and today its at -$36. I am almost breaking even compared to smoking.

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