Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 6 of vaping and cost savings.

Today is day six of vaping without smoking. I am still not craving cigarettes but more of a want out of habit. That is until I ran down to the local store and seen a person outside smoking. My first thought was man that looks good until I got closer and smelled the cigarette. Then I smelt the smoke and it turned my stomach my want for a cigarette disappeared fast. So I think my need and want for a cigarette is in the past now. That moment at the store of smelling the smoke made me realize why my non smoking wife tries to stay away from me after a cigarette. 
Now let's look at cost savings after six days of vaping. My starter kit cost $28, my juice (which I still have a lot of) cost $28, my new clearomizers cost $26 that brings the total so far of vaping to $72. Minus the savings of not smoking for six days which should total $32. After six days I am still negative $40. I know I will break even and be saving money probably after one more week like I said I still have a lot of juice left. My wife even loves not smelling the cigarettes anymore and I don't blame her. Health wise so far I only noticed I am starting to get my sense of smell back other than that I haven't seen any other health improvements. 

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