Thursday, April 24, 2014


If you know anything about truck drivers a day can be a long tiring day. Every trucker has their habits they do to help keep them awake. My habit started when I was just a teenager and has lasted a little over 21 years. I am a smoker and cigarettes have gotten me through some tough hard nights of driving. I have tried just about everything out on the market all with a failure rate of 100%. I have tried wellbutrin, nicotine gum, patches, cold turkey the most I ever made it was two weeks before i was sneaking cigarettes back into my life.

About a month ago a security guard at work asked me, "you ever see one of these?" As he pulled out a long pen with a tank on top. He pressed a button and took a drag off of it then blew out a huge cloud of vapor. I told him I have seen one of those and heard about them their called Vapor Mods. He continued to tell me he has smoked over 30 years and the last month he been using it to help quite smoking with only cheating twice by smoking. I told him I have tried e-cigs before but they didn't do nothing for me. His suggestion took hold in my brain and begin to slowly process.
Over the next month I would researched all about vapor mods I even got my wife involved on the research. After trying to learn all I can about this new industry that is rising fast i decided to give it a try.

I took someones advice on a vapor forum and ordered me a VPRO Ego Twist starter kit for $29 off of eBay. Then I placed a order from a place called Vista Vapors for some ejuice cost was $23. I was in the hole already for $52 and I was just going off of a friend suggestion not even knowing if it worked or not. I was at work when my wife told me the mail delivered my packages Monday afternoon. I asked her to open them up and make sure it all was there then get the batteries charging.

When I got home I had to wait two more hours till the battery was charged. I pored in the juice and started vaping. The nicotine I ordered was just the right amount and looked like my research was paying off. The juice flavor though I couldn't taste the strawberry flavor juice like i imagined. Come to find out that's because i didn't order a boost of flavor according to my guard friend.

That was Monday since then I haven't had a cigarette since. I can't say its took my cravings away or the vapor mod taste just like a cigarette by all means it don't. I don't think you can ever replica the taste of a cigarette. Vaping is like smoking but the taste isn't their. You still get the throat burn like smoking but the taste is gone. The craving of nicotine is gone also only because of the fact I am now vaping it into my system instead of smoking it in.

This is day three of my road and I can say so far the need for smoking isn't their but i do find my self still wanting doing things like smoking out of habit. Let me explain this last nigh I got up used the restroom and started walking for the garage door. I got half way their before I realized my body was headed for outside to smoke but the need for one wasn't there.

I also learned that starter kit I ordered VPRO Ego Twist is only good for the batteries (which only stay charged for half of what the manufacture claims they should) so far. The clearomizers in the kit started working great but today they started leaking and the taste of the juice tasted bad. I recommend you not buy the starter kit like I did unless you need cheap batteries. I have since ordered two new clearomizers that should be here Saturday. The new clearomizers are called the Krangertech protank mini 3. When they get here and I use them I will post my thoughts about them also. Till then I am cleaning my current clearimizors and trying to make them last till then.


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